GMO Profits

Post by 
Jeff Hays
September 14, 2020

We have supposedly some parts of our government that are designated to protect our interests these people are paid with our tax dollars to safeguard our well-being in these realms. Yet it’s not happening.

Beth Beisel: In 1996 genetically modified foods were first allowed into our food supply in America.

Patrick Gentempo, D.C.: The GMO machine has been extraordinarily effective in squelching the conversation.

Nancy Weiser: The biggest problem with genetically modified organisms or genetically engineered foods is that we don’t know the long-term outcome.

Patrick Gentempo, D.C.: And to show how strong the agenda is, how could anyone argue against at least labeling foods GMO?

If they have nothing to hide, if GMOs are safe and effective or propose any threat to individuals who consume them, why would you be worried about putting it on the label of the food that you sell?

Nancy Weiser: There’s something that seen kinda sneaky about people manufacturing food and researching it and engineering it and marketing to us and for some reason or other they don’t want to tell us what’s in it?

I find that odd. I know that if you buy, you know, a shirt or a pair of pants, it has to say that it’s 90% cotton and 10% lycra. So I wanna know what’s in my food if I know what in my pants.

Patrick Gentempo, D.C.: We have supposedly some parts of our government that are designated to protect our interests these people are paid with our tax dollars to safeguard our well-being in these realms. Yet it’s not happening.

So now let’s look at the FDA, let’s look at the FTC, let’s look at our regulators.

Beth Beisel: I think it’s because most the FDA and EPA and USDA are infiltrated with appointed, very high level executives that came from the biotech industry.

Patrick Gentempo, D.C.: It’s the wealth of the force behind the GMO initiative that’s causing this to occur. What’s for sale?

It can be bought. The hearts and minds of the culture and the compulsion to force them into

behaviors can be bought.

Nancy Weiser: So we have a huge challenge on our hands to re-educate people from the top down and from the bottom up.

You know, from their gut and from their head.

Patrick Gentempo, D.C.: The reality is there are other countries who have said no to GMOs.

They’ve looked at it and said “this is disturbing there’s not enough evidence we’ve made a choice not to do this”. But we’re supposed to be in the United States, the land of the free where those types of things don’t happen but this is such a issue as far as saying “this is scary, this is disturbing, this is unknown”, but other countries who technically might be less free as far as individual rights are concerned are saying no to GMOs until their’s more data.

Yet here we say yes.

It’s indefensible, obviously there is something to hide, obviously there is a concern, obviously they think that individual consumers given the choice would prefer not to buy that food. So what is their solution?

Don’t let them know they’re buying that food.

That to me as I feel even the hairs on the back of my neck standing up is evil personified.

Beth Beisel: What I would like to say to the biotech industry and the food industry is stop messing with my children’s health,  with my husbands health, with my family’s health.

Enough is enough, let’s go back to real food, conventional farming without GMOs and taking care of the people and putting the people first, not profits.

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